Youth Learning

Shabbos Morning Groups - Playing, Learning, Davening

Group for older Girls (ages 8-11)
beginning at 9:30 am (9:15 seasonal)

Snacks, Stories and song for children in the Shtiebel
(for ages 1-3 and ages 4-7); beginning at 9:30 am (9:15 seasonal)

Mishna Club for Boys, with Rabbi Noach Muroff
(for boys in 2nd grade and up); Shabbos afternoons – 30 min before Mincha

Dor L’Dor Learning
Intergenerational learning for fathers, grandfathers, boys and girls, with raffles, prizes, and pizza. Motzai Shabbos at 7:15 pm (seasonal – Nov-Feb).


Boys’ Chabura with Rabbi Avraham Aboulafia
Breakfast and Learning – for ages 11-15
Sundays following Shacharis (at 8:45 am)